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Injection Mold Maintenance is Essential for the Perfect Plastic Housing

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Posted: 02-15-2016 05:26 PM
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Injection Mold Maintenance is Essential for the Perfect Plastic Housing

Plastic cases continue to soar in global popularity. From wireless devices to computers and electronics – these plastic enclosure cases are designed to keep out dirt, dust, and debris.

Injection Mold Maintenance is Essential for the Perfect Plastic Housing

Plastic cases continue to soar in global popularity. From wireless devices to computers and electronics – these plastic enclosure cases are designed to keep out dirt, dust, and debris. They also protect components from moisture, grime, and other harmful elements. This helps extend the life of your products and accessories, while ensuring optimal protection across the board. While existing cases and enclosures are always available, there are DIY tools and components available. These are especially helpful for customers that want to create a customized casing with precise contouring. In order to mold the best products for your items – it is vital to keep all tooling and injection molds in good condition.

Mold Repair

Injection Mold Maintenance

Securing a good looking plastic case is synonymous with proper injection mold maintenance. No matter the size of the housing – it is imperative to keep molds in prime condition to secure the best possible finish product. According to industry experts, the following are essential tips for optimal maintenance and conditioning:

·         Keep all molds safe and away from excess heat and internal – external elements. This helps reduce common erosion and prevent in-house tool abuse.

·         Always use the right machines and tools that are compatible and correlate which each plastic molding project.

·         Never use hard tools on any molding, parting, or shutoff surface. This includes knives, punches, hammer, and especially screw drivers.

·         Always use “soft” tooling, such as rubber mallets. Using punches and pliers made from brass, copper, and plastic are essential in preventing damage.

·         Always use treated or soft water in cooling systems – drain the tool when it is removed from the machine.

·         Avoid excessive clamp or high-injection pressures – also avoid over-packing or flashing the mold.

·         Do not operate the press in a way where the mold is consistently being jerked or open and closed.

·         Lubricate all appropriate components and accessories. Do not crash the mold closed, or close up on partially ejected parts.

·         Always seal the work and mold storage area from outside elements.


Maintenance and Care Levels

In order to keep your injection mold tools safe and sound, preventative care and maintenance is simply essential. The following are guidelines for keeping your molders operating at peak functionality and performance rates:

  •  Inspection – should be done every 10 days of production – 20,000 cycles.
  •  Maintenance – should be done very 10 production runs – 100,000 cycles.
  •  Major maintenance – should be done every 250,000 cycles – half the anticipated life time volume.
  •  Preventative care – should be done every day, and every time the mold is removed from production – or put back in.

By following these guidelines, your molds will always work and create the best products possible.

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